Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Do You Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say?

Jesus through and by HIS Words and HIS example to say what we mean and mean what we say.  Jesus spoke not one empty Word.  HE said nothing which you and I later could or should correct ones self.

Jesus at no ponit had  to correct Himself!  And since HE cannot lie or mislead us without ceasing to be Himself...
How could like Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 could Our Lord be in the earth for 3 days and 3 nights and still had died at 3 pm and rose on the Sabath Easter Sunday?

I believe there is something to this that one cannot simply fluff off and say "Its A Mystery."

I ask and challenge all to in the comment box discuss what GOD has shown you!



Friday, July 2, 2010

Today I was on FACEBOOK and I Just Do Not Understand How Some Folks Simply Cannot Be Kind

I am stunned how so many folks of all ages and backgrounds speak so toughly to one another.

I know that the reason or justification each person would give if & when they are confronted by someone who is not afraid of them...  that each excuse would be different....and  one would hear as many different excuses as "Phoney Balogney" or "Imatation Flavored" or "Artificially Flavored" persons they confront!

Problem is, no one ever bothers to confront them and as or say: "Why do you exert so much energy in putting others down.... when with that same amount of energy you could Raise up 100 times as many folks by changing your vocabulary and word choice!"

It takes a much greater amount of energy, nerve and boldness to be rude, crude, hostile, unkind or mean....
And instead of isolating one-self with unkindness towards others....

Put down the salt shaker of unkindness and take out the honey jar and speak instead words that edify and build... take the time to look for and see good atributes about the other and encourage one another...

And not only will others around you feel will too...
Because when anyone speaks words of harshness the first one they hurt and hurt the worse is thyself!

You can be the salt of the earth which heals...  the salt that is strength which builds and you too at the same time add the sweetness which makes all hardened hearts grow lighter....

That HE may turn hearts of stone into hearts for love alone!

We All Can We Can We Can!!  We are HIS Cany Can-Can Girls.... and HIS Cany Can-Do men!  Amen!
