Friday, September 3, 2010

Why is it That So Many Folks Have Difficulty Being Happy Embracing Life as Who They Are and Instead Live Their Lives As a Fictional Somebody?

Subject: Why is it That So Many Folks Have Difficulty Being Happy Embracing Life as Who They Are and Instead Live Their Lives As a Fictional Somebody?

How is it regardless who you meet along most every street... you may have to be acquainted with them a year or more before ever seeing beyond a fictional character that they play day in day out...   On the REAL LIFE STAGE and PLATFORM!

Just every day morning to night from the moment the alarm bell rings!

No wonder so many folks are under slept, under fed, and are often losing their head... SPITTING FIRE from their mouths because...

It takes great effort and hard work to maintain a false life or false image, than to simply be ones smiling, laughing, joyful, happy, and kind encouraging self!

Why protect a false image or fictional person anyway?

What is the pay off for you?  Why do you?

Blessings to you as you embrace your reality that you are a wonderful person and a blessing to know, but only when you are your self! And when you do you are salt for those who meet you...for they likewise will not only love and trust you more...

They too will relax upon getting to know you and they will be themselves too and both of you together can begin spreading a Love Revelation in your homes, schools, work places and communities at large...

Though this must start first within each individual's heart!!

I EstherStephanada and my Billy-Jacob challenge you to be the first!!   You can do it!!!  It is a simple begins simply by choosing to genuinely give your smile away!!  Doing so can change your life and the lives of so so so many!


Sunday, August 22, 2010

We Must Be Careful to Not Speak Falsehood, nor Mislead for the Sake of Kindness

Often we have all heard the phrase "Oh, that was only a white lie."

However, falsehood is always false and never can be interpreted as truth.

When anyone tells a lie to not hurt another person's feelings...we actually hurt them far worse than speaking the truth.

First, even those we think are not very smart or lack intelligence, they still recognize when they are being lied to!

Not in every situation will they know the truth that they are being deprived of, but they recognize when they have been lied to.

All that is derived from one's lie is not shielding anyone from pain, but inflicting the pain of fear and distrust in both the speaker who "told a white lie" best
but chances are their trust possibly in many around associated with that speaker who were once are suspected...

And now the person whose feeling one thought he were sparing becomes skeptical and leery of everyone within the same circle of friends or associates.

Associates is a far more appropriate word, for anyone who tells one lie..another is coming out quick behind it to cover the first.
So it is impossible for a habitual liar to have true friends because to have a friend one must be a friend... and how can a habitual liar ever be loyal to even his friend.

Those who must hide behind masks do so because their true selves are not acceptable.  They have no true friends, but only those who are their partners in deceit.

And where are such folks leading HIS little ones?

We are all being watched by someone... someone who may be lost; someone who is searching.  We are all being copied having someone to many following our foot steps.....

To where are your choices leading others to the same you have chosen.....  To Heaven...or to Hell!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Do You Handle a Conversation Between Hot-Headed Folks You Are Among?

Have you ever found yourself in a situation you certainly were not expecting to happen;
One say with your spouse and another couple?

You possibly aware that both your spouse and your friend's spouse both have some faults...
One maybe way out of line, and the other close to out of control....

Do you know how to maintain the peace without compromising one's values and without disrespecting the marriage of the couple you and your spouse is with and at the same time backing your own spouse not dividing either marriage?

We must all set boundaries that protect the covenant of ones own marriage....
For each man is to only have eyes for his own wife...

Scripture says that if a man simply looks at another man's wife he has committed adultery in his heart!

We are to cast down imaginations and it helps not to go out and about without ones own spouse...
No man who ever really loved his own wife when he first married ever "Falls out of love"...

No, he just neglects to fertilize the seeds he sowed when he said before GOD and men:
"I Do I Do I Do take you for my lawful wedded wife!"
And begins to fertilize the wrong field!

A man must be very careful being friendly with his friend's wife... for when he crosses the line...
It will be too late...and he could find himself really alone ...
No wife! No Friend! And could even lose his very soul...

Losing not only a best friend and his own wife...but any and all sin seperate us from GOD

For the end times are here and now and Jesus just may pass such a man by for the very last time!


Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Do You Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say?

Jesus through and by HIS Words and HIS example to say what we mean and mean what we say.  Jesus spoke not one empty Word.  HE said nothing which you and I later could or should correct ones self.

Jesus at no ponit had  to correct Himself!  And since HE cannot lie or mislead us without ceasing to be Himself...
How could like Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days and 3 could Our Lord be in the earth for 3 days and 3 nights and still had died at 3 pm and rose on the Sabath Easter Sunday?

I believe there is something to this that one cannot simply fluff off and say "Its A Mystery."

I ask and challenge all to in the comment box discuss what GOD has shown you!



Friday, July 2, 2010

Today I was on FACEBOOK and I Just Do Not Understand How Some Folks Simply Cannot Be Kind

I am stunned how so many folks of all ages and backgrounds speak so toughly to one another.

I know that the reason or justification each person would give if & when they are confronted by someone who is not afraid of them...  that each excuse would be different....and  one would hear as many different excuses as "Phoney Balogney" or "Imatation Flavored" or "Artificially Flavored" persons they confront!

Problem is, no one ever bothers to confront them and as or say: "Why do you exert so much energy in putting others down.... when with that same amount of energy you could Raise up 100 times as many folks by changing your vocabulary and word choice!"

It takes a much greater amount of energy, nerve and boldness to be rude, crude, hostile, unkind or mean....
And instead of isolating one-self with unkindness towards others....

Put down the salt shaker of unkindness and take out the honey jar and speak instead words that edify and build... take the time to look for and see good atributes about the other and encourage one another...

And not only will others around you feel will too...
Because when anyone speaks words of harshness the first one they hurt and hurt the worse is thyself!

You can be the salt of the earth which heals...  the salt that is strength which builds and you too at the same time add the sweetness which makes all hardened hearts grow lighter....

That HE may turn hearts of stone into hearts for love alone!

We All Can We Can We Can!!  We are HIS Cany Can-Can Girls.... and HIS Cany Can-Do men!  Amen!


Friday, February 5, 2010


We are all called to be the salt of the earth~~

Speaking HIS Words of honeycomb all our waking hours each day from our mouths~~~

We arecalled to be imatators of GOD who speaks all things into existance by just opening HID mouth!

So when we speak words that comdemed  or cause a heart to hurt~~
We create division at best and possibly tear down he or she who could have become our closest friend, brother and sister~~

When instead of digging and adding salt into wounds~~
     We could be used by HIM To Heal as we speak words that comfort, edify and build!

The choice is always ours if we want the better part that will never be taken from us~~~    and we make this decision as we choose our words!

EstherStephanada here encouraging you all.... to be Mary's and never Martha's~~~
           Esther's and Jacobs~~~  Pauls and never Sauls!
     For we are never bound by our past or our parents poor choices~~~
We can at any moment choose the better part and our past will be~~~            Covered with HIS Blood Forever and Forgotten!
Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Being Salt to the earth means going through each day speaking and singing words of honeycomb that encourage and build esteem and confidence in each other~~~

Not holding a shaker sprinkling spinkling sat or NaCl on our plates and eating pounds of it in our snacks and quickie breafasts and lunches on the GO GOO~~~~
         Drying out ones body of HIS Waters that You are Made of~~

It means turning a could be dismal day for one into a Joyous day of gladness~~~

By choosing to be the source of life of those HE places along our daily path by Opening our mouth speaking HIS words that Heal and Reveal New Life Blooming from Seeds you plant  yourself in others Heart~~~

Choosing not to be silent when seeing another struggle~~~
Rather Speaking Joyful words of encouragement~~~

Giving another a new reason to smile and the oppertunity to laugh~~~

Opening their hearts to be renewed with vibrance they once new in their youth~~~

No one as they age need to shrivel or pokey in spirit~~~
Rather with age and the right stimulating words voiced~~~

They too can have their spirits lit on Fire For HIM Always and Forever~~~

And They Along With Joshua Shall Say: "Though I am Old I Am Just As Young As When I Crossed The River Jordan~~~
     Or The Mighty Mississippi Into The Promised Land!!!

Without and salt shakers in hand~~~  but Lifted Hearts and Voices in Song~~~  Singing Joyfully From HIS Mountain Tops of Ones
                   Own Heart's Soul!

EstherStephanada Singing to you~~~  Put down the salt shaker and BE THE SALTYOURSELF TO THOSE AROUND YOU!