Not only do we have the power to change lives within our world...
We do so every day whether we realize it our not;
The question is.... Are the changes we ourselves bringing about for the better or detriment of those who our words are spoken to or about?
It is possible to be honest without being harsh, even in unusual circumstances...
When we do not want to condone the poor choice or behavior of someone who is truly sorry and repenting.
We can choose not to rub salt in wounds to burn even deeper...
We can choose to speak of the future... Next time you will do better...I know you will!
When we choose to focus not on past injuries but still bringing them to light so the pain may be released...
Then go onto multiple lives are set free to improve and grow...and have their territories expanded...
Just like Jabez who after growing through his life depressed he caused his mother pain...
He opened his mouth, called upon GOD asking HIM to bless him indeed, expand his territory and to keep HIS hand upon him that he may never again cause pain....
GOD granted this request and instead of remaining in pain...
Jabez found freedom from the bondage of a bad memory.
Likewise as we mature with age, let us never fear to take on or give another a new name!
All people become what they are called this is why GOD changed the name of so many giving them new names that allowed them to rise above the circumstances into which they were born.
Let us all call others and ourselves to a greater awareness of what comes out of our mouths.
Let our goal each day be to be conscious of our words and choose our words with both love and FAITH!
Let each of us strive to gracefully create good things in each and every soul we meet and greet along every street or road!
You can you cany can a Jacob or Esther too...and you always are when your words you kindly and prayerfully choose!
Praying for each of you. Watch "The Chaplet of Divine Mercy in Song
(complete)" on YouTube
5 years ago
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