Sunday, July 28, 2013

Product Idaho Spuds False Labeling and Advertising.

Greetings  Dr Hamburg & Ms Barclay and you at Idaho Spuds!

Since President Obama has made such great efforts to make food chain safer...I am writing my first of many to come letters about issues that are wide spread...but must be corrected.

And when they are corrected, all Americans will be healthier and the over all spending budget of both the Federal & State Governments on Health Care and Insurance for employees and for all citizens will decrease as well as the health costs for individuals and the American Family.

My husband & I have been purchasing and eating your Idaho Spuds Classic Mashed Potato Flakes for years.

But only because your competitors put even more junk in theirs than you do; though their labels do not deceive as your labels do deceive!  And any company who deceives their consumer buyers will eventually fail.

This is biblical.

And while I am very disappointed in what I have discovered about your product and your company...I am challenging you to correct these things and when you do...
For deep spiritual reasons larger companies such as KRAFT Nabisco etc will eventually fall crumble just as banks failed & were bailed out.

Any company who is successful because of what they hide from their consumer eventually will fold and die.

The American people will not vote again for such a major bail out of any company....
When you change your methods & remove  from your product "hidden ingredients"..

Your company will be the new emerging Food Industry Leader when you embrace my suggestions and carry them out.

For all of these many years I have cooked with your product believing that there existed no weird additives.
And now that God has MIRACULOUSLY given my the ability to read with understanding & opened my once were physically blind eyes I see that I was once been deceived.

Having only 20 MG of sodium/salt and William & I both need to keep our salt down for different health reasons...we bought & eaten your Idaho Spuds.  Certainly that figure is much higher.

William is a Vietnam Veteran  Suffering from Agent Orange disease, and tinnitus ear-ringing...needs his salt very low for both salt & caffeine increase the intensity of the ringing.
And it infuriates me that not only is our government slow to give him his benefits, but I as a wife cannot even know because of false labeling in Food Industry and the lack of enforcement of existing regulations...such as Title 21 and others President Obama has signed into Law.

My blood pressure can remain healthy without medication only if I weed out  salt from my diet.

So at first glance your label always seemed so perfect as even your website now in BOLD letters claims your products to be "Naturally GLUTEN FREE"   Then in Red:


Yet in actuality your product is not.

If true there would be only one ingredient:  Idaho Potato Flakes in the container for real.

But you list Sodium Acid PYROPHOSPHATE:  Freshness then:  PRESERVED WITH Sodium Bisulfite  & BHA.

I google searched definitions of these.

BHA is a synthetic man made not natural antioxidant  " C 11   H 16  O 2" created in a test tube which is used to preserve Fats and oils in food.

However, you are selling this as a Natural Fat Free Food,  which potatoes are, so you are adding fats for taste such as butter then adding not one but 3 preservatives to preserve the Fat which you should not add and by not adding it you actually lengthen your products' shelf life without additives.

I read FDA Title 21 and many other things President Obama has signed into law and recognize that you are not complying and thus I am sending this to the FDA also.  

I understand why Sodium Acid PYROPHOSPHATE is in foods such as JELLO which there could not possibly be anyone on earth who thinks JELLO is a "Natural  Food of the earth"  so if they choose to eat Artificial least they know that they are eating synthetics which in large quantities over time can harm them.

But with Idaho Spuds people believe that they are eating Natural Potatoes that have merely been peeled for us and flaked with a peeler machinery for convenience...
But is not the  pure product it appears and this is deception.

If you merely correct your website and cartons by removing the misleading information you will grievously fail because you will make yourself exactly like the rest of Food Companies who are big and do not really care about their products, or the people who eat them...

They only care that their product sells.

I challenge you to actually remove the Fat you are adding & preserving and the preservatives and thus make yourself an emerging leader in the Food Industry.

I thank you.  I thank you Lisa & Dr. Margaret for taking the time and effort also to take action in this concern of mine which others I know are also concerned, however do not have the understanding and ability to both decipher the labeling, research and find how to contact you.

And when I witness the wonderful job I anticipate these concerns of mine resolved...  I will then write you about some serious health risks concerns at VA Hospital Clinics that are also sinful.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Expect Your MIRACLE Today & Every Day or You Might...

Only those who expect MIRACLES in every part of every lives filled with MIRACLES and far more graces & Blessings than the average person alive on earth.

We receive what we we expect.  What we speak can create an atmosphere for healing and peace....
Our words can create pain can cause heart to break...

This is what heart disease is!

Those who physically have weak hearts, have either spoken much harshness all of their lives or been victimized by someone they could not get away with with a critical  harsh tongue.

Our words can dry up the bones causing arthritis...our our words can be the healing balm of all drawing all once were broken hearts through themselves to our Lord Jesus Christ.

If you or I wake up anticipating bad news...

Guess what your phone will ring all day with problems.

For everyone who knows that Johnny or Jane expects days filled with problems....
Others assume that Johnny & Jane are exactly who they are to call & visit with every single dellima that not only they personally encounter...

But recommend Johnny & Jane to each person they meet and greet along every single street whether in Ponchatoula Louisiana...
Or on the coast of Madagascar, Nigeria, Malawi, Egypt, India or Yugoslavia.

Earth geography never limits God's laws of deliverance, blessing or prosperity.

Nor is God ever limited by our circumstances.

We can always accept less than God's best and settle for what others are content with....

Or we can reach out for HIS greater gifts.

Jesus said:  "Far greater things than these you shall do...
For I go to my Father at HIS right hand and anything I ask is mine anything you ask in my Name My Father & I shall do for you & through you!"

So begin expecting good things and speak of your greater dreams singing praises for them before they exist...
Our God watching down from their thrones...watching & listening for dreams sung with FAITH in HIS Holy Written Word and as he hears such FAITH that HE never heard in all of Israel...

And HE turns those sung dreams into reality for my William & me and each one who dares to approach HIM expectantly!

Pray along with sung prayer MIRACLE Services and create a permanent Atmosphere of Faith in your home anticipating MIRACLES at all times!

We do...listening to Protestants who inspire our FAITH takes nothing away from us being Catholics.
We can shake up good things...create revival among Christians...or we can salt shake burning hurts & pain every where...

We can draw others to Jesus through injecting our love into every word we ever speak.

Jesus is coming back for a united church without spot blemish or wrinkle.

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

When One Is Silent Not Taking A Position...They Are Peppering Death All Over Everywhere They Go Without Knowing It!

The attitudes we choose to live by affects every person we meet and greet along every steet.

Our opinions, and attitude choices affect not just those we actually speak to...but even more so when we choose to be indifferent in any situation or place in life...

Indifference on issues that transcend society or indifferent to persons among us in our own community or even within our own church has become a universal disease.

 Very common today...particularly by self-justifying ones position saying... "It does not affect me so it is none of my business." and even Pope Francis recently has been tweeting about indifference particularly towards the poor.

I was wearing a button pinned to my bright pink jacket that reads: PRAY FOR ABORTION TO END!"
 At a Graduation lunch in a New Orleans Catholic Parish the Sunday following Father's Day 2013...I was astounded the responses I received & conversation it spawned.

I expect this kind of confrontation if & wear it to the grocery store but not to Catholic Holy Mass & to a party of Catholic Families at a Catholic Church.

I was told that "Even if I personally would not abort my child, I don't have the right nor do you have right to suggest to others what they should do!"

Well is preaching & teaching the Holy Gospel suggesting to folks a better way to live???

And so this statement contradicts the entire life of a christian for we are called to always live by the Holt Scriptures that say:  "Let the redeemed of the Lord say so!"

Let HIS life, HIS joy, HIS mercy which endures forever never cease from parting from our lips!

We are to be imitators of God who calls each by name and who speaks good things into being at all times....
We are to like God embracing all that befalls us with great FAITH...speaking hope to the hopeless and life into the dead!

I pray you see this contradiction that we all plainly see and hear all over where ever we go...

Maybe you never thought of in this perspective.

But starting right now this very can choose to put down the salt &pepper shakers of unkindness, harshness, and most of all...permanently shake off yourself the attitude of  silence & indifference.

Let revival begin now and let it begin with you, by choosing to let God make of you a beacon of HIS light and hope to the world...

Let HIS truth not only glow inside of you...but speak from your lips that which you witness lacking where ever God leads you at any moment.

As Mother Angelica says on her program intro:  We are all called to be great Saints...Do not miss the opportunity...And expect God to give you more & more opportunities to embrace with Faith opening your mouth and be HIS beacon speaking light into dark places and life into the dead!

Amen Amen Amen and Alleluia!

Mr & Mrs William Gustavson
PO BOX 1144
Ponchatoula, LA  70454