Today I heard from a young woman living on the other side of the earth through Facebook who reached out to me wanting to know more about the Holy Catholic Church but fearing she is not capable of learning prayers so specifically that well "What if I recite them wrong?"
We are to be salt to the earth...we are each called to be HIS light in all dark places we may find ourselves.
Sometimes simply by being a prayerful presence in another's life giving a kind smile or speaking or typing kind words to eliminate fears or concerns....we are HIS light to the world...
Salt of the earth.
I wrote her about how Our Lord reprimanded the Pharisees who rattled off prayers to sound exquisite but their hearts were far from God.
I wrote to her to go with her friend to Holy Mass and join RCIA...that it is not about memorizing prayers with word by word precision, but rather about drawing closer to God by spending time with Eucharistic quiet prayer listening with thy heart.
It is not merely what we do or fail to do that is a sin...but our motivation and intent is often most important.
And you & I can like St Terese become a saint by little things...little acts of kindness...little acts of reassurance...eliminating fear or un-necessary concern in another's heart goes much further than trying to do large monumental jobs or tasks on ones on.
What about when we see others who are bullied, mistreated enduring hatefulness and harshness that no one ever deserves...
When we witness such abuses of power & position by others we are also given the opportunity to become a great saint by opening our mouths in defense of such an innocent one.
Never rubbing in pain further like salt into a wound...but rather kind words are honeycomb healing body soul and mind...
And becoming the healing balm to to others we will always have friends nearby.
They may not be those who are our physically closest neighbors!
For those of us living pure lives will always have wicked ones who would rather remain in their sins than to change...they like the glamor of evil...
These will oppress us hoping we will move on so that their fleshy sinful ways are not as noticed by others and themselves.
So lets go forth becoming blessing to others...
What are you doing to be the healing balm for another...salt to the earth?